Many people have multiple mailboxes with Yahoo Mail, but there is no way to manage them at once. It can be annoying for this time when users lost their information or files due to management inconsistency. Now, good news for Yahoo Mail users is that they can manage multiple mailboxes for sending files from Dropbox, Google Drive or GIFs image format from Tumblr.
Through the new access to files from Dropbox and Google Drive, as well as Tumblr, people can quickly send their photos, an important presentation and even GIF format images. If you want to send a quick GIF image in an email, you can select from your favorite GIFs across the world offered by Tumblr.
Furthermore, you can also choose from categories such as “LOL”, “Love”, “Cute”, “Fail”, “Cheers”, “Happy”, or seek for the perfect GIF. You can add GIF into your email with a single tap on it. In case, if you have any question in your mind regarding of it, feel free to call on Yahoo customer support to get the query resolved.
Initially, you hit on the cloud icon in order, here you will be to attach into your Dropbox or Google Drive account. Via the direct access to the entire files in the cloud, now you will be able to browse with recent files or you can locate for a particular file instantly from your email.
However, if you are still getting problems in sending and receiving emails and file attachment issues in emails, then you can contact Yahoo mail customer service number to get expert assistance in resolving such errors. In addition, you can search alternate contact number to get direct help from the expert without wasting too much time to wait for a response; you simply need to avail directories as ContactforService which is an online directory provides alternate contact details for instant query resolution.